Get your free printable Autumn wall art below.Today is a nice breezy summer day, kind of cool with the smell of grass being cut. Makes me want fall, I love everything about fall, the only thing that worries me this year is the first day of kindergarten for my son. I know my worries are irrational, like I keep thinking, “what if he has to go potty, he’s not the best hand washer or wiper” and “what if another kid picks on him, I won’t be there to take care of him”. He is so excited, he loves school, I however, did not have the best school experience and I started off poorly in kindergarten up to junior year of high school.
I guess I shouldn’t worry so much, but I seriously can’t help it. I know deep down he will thrive and be alright. Anywho, I’m ready for fall regardless, I’m not a hot weather girl and I live in a resort town which makes it hard to run errands, so bring on the cooler weather and pretty foliage! Enjoy your free printable.
Free Printable Wall Art

This will be perfect to use in layout of the trees changing and others things showing it is now autumn in Indiana. Thanks.
I’m glad you like it!