I was playing around today and discovered I could make a really cute Minecraft creeper corner bookmark for my son, keep reading for the printable parts and tutorial.

First you need to print out this sheet. It contains an extra creeper face and an extra creeper background pattern just in case you need em.

Next, cut out the creeper patterned bookmark, fold the top corners down so they make two triangles, and add a little bit of glue to the tab where it says, “glue here”.

Cover the triangles that you just folded down with creeper patterned paper.

Cover the entire back of the bookmark in creeper patterned paper.

Cut out and glue the creeper face to the top part of the bookmark and you are finished. I’m sure there is an easier way to do this, but I honestly couldn’t think of one. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up on Facebook. Take care now!